Indiviual Assignments

This project was in relation to creating a museum/ gallery that included a strategic plan, documentation of the collection, exhibition development, planning programs,and evaluating the museum/ gallery. This project created a lot of clarity to how museum/ gallery’ s operate, develop and how they acquire for their exhibits.


The objectives of this assignment were to experience the process of preparing a corporate sponsorship proposal; as well as, implementing some fundraising tactics that would go into an audience and resource development plan. The corporate sponsorship proposal include a stream of their programming, an exhibition, a special event anything that would warrant corporate sponsorship.


The purpose of this project was to design an 8 page, self-cover brochure for the Canada Council for the Arts. This brochure project had a detailed set of specifications to comply with for the specific design programs that were to be used. The project was evaluated by production/ submission and client persentability.



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